Sync data dictionary of a source project to a target project using credential objects
Sync data dictionary of a source project to a target project using credential objects
- source_credentials
A dataframe containing the following columns:
redcap_uri - The uri for the API endpoint of a REDCap host
token - The REDCap API token for a specific project
This dataframe should contain credentials for the project you wish to copy from
- target_credentials
A dataframe containing the following columns:
redcap_uri - The uri for the API endpoint of a REDCap host
token - The REDCap API token for a specific project
This dataframe should contain credentials for the project you wish to overwrite
Optional toggle to remove action tags, useful for porting to a development environment; defaults to FALSE
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
source_credentials <- REDCapR::retrieve_credential_local(
path_credential = "source_credentials.csv",
project_id = 31
target_credentials <- REDCapR::retrieve_credential_local(
path_credential = "target_credentials.csv",
project_id = 25
sync_metadata(source_credentials, target_credentials)
} # }