Deletes specified projects from the REDCap system by setting the `date_deleted` field.
It will also log the event in the appropriate `log_event_table` for each project.
delete_project(project_id, conn)
- project_id
A project ID or vector of project IDs to be deleted.
- conn
A DBI connection object to the database that holds the `redcap_projects`
and `redcap_log_event*` tables.
A list containing:
n: the number of projects deleted
number_rows_logged: the number of rows logged for the deletion event
project_ids_deleted: a vector of project IDs that were deleted
data: a data frame with each input project_id and its status after trying to delete it
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(...)
delete_project(c(1, 2, 3), conn)
} # }